A Possibility of Publishing the Literary Sources
This paper takes as an example Fadil-pasha Šerifović (Sarajevo, 1808. - Istanbul, 1882.), poet and high politician, in order to show that the way of approach to sources and the metodology of work is a basic question in the process of presentation of the literary heritage. The fact relates especially to Moslem's literary heritage whose authors are of Bosnian and HerLegovinian descent. These authors wrote in one or more Oriental languages, and their manuscripts are scattered throughout the liberaries and institutes not only in our country but also abroad.
Two books are presented here, both prepared and translated by Fehim Nametak: Fadil-paša Šerifović - pjesnik i epigrafičar(Fadil-pasha Serifović - Poet ad Epigrapher), Sarajevo, 1980 and Fadil-paša Šerifović: Divan (Diwan == a collection of poems), Sarajevo, 1981. Taking these books as an example we have illustrated the scientific methodology that, in our opinion, should be used, as well as the way of treating the sources so that the reader could have useful and usable book.