O Malkočima


  • Behija Zlatar Sarajevo


Throughout the Turkish rule the Muslim aristocratic (beg/bey) families played a significant role in the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The majority of 'those families was of Bosnian origin.

Members of the Malkoč family performed important functions in the Turkish administration and took part in the campaign of the Turkish army. Their possessions were located mainly in the areas of the sanjaks of Klis and Herzegovina. They were hereditary and thus remained in the family. At the end of the 16th century they appear under the name of Dugalić when one of their members was granted a fief (zi'amet) in Duga near Prozor in Herzegovina. They did not share the fate of many other families of Muslim aristocracy, to be exterminated bey the central government, but, awing to their economic strength, were able to survive even in the later history of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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Zlatar, B. (2017). O Malkočima. Prilozi Za Orijentalnu Filologiju, 26(26), 105–114. Retrieved from https://pof.ois.unsa.ba/index.php/pof/article/view/616

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