"Everything in the Universe Is Contained in the Soul"

On Yaqub-Pasha Bosniak and Conflicts in the Area Between the Bosnian Sanjak and the Krbava-Modruš Parish During 1493 in Bahşi’s Versified Chronicle


  • Adnan Kadrić
  • Madžida Mašić


Yaqub Pasha Bosniak, versified chronicle, gaza-nama, Yaqub-nama


This paper focuses on the particularities of the Tarih-i Yaqub Pasha Chronicle whose manuscript is held by the Uppsala University Library. The manuscript consists of over 5000 verses and deals with the conflicts that took place in the area between the Bosnian Sanjak, the Hungarian (part of the) Bosnian Kingdom and the Krbava-Modruš Parish on the eve and during the Battle of Krbava Field in 1493. Special attention is devoted to Bahşi’s conceptualisation of the events in the Chronicle held in Uppsala. Namely, the appendix to the Chronicle also emphasises the spiritual aspect and symbolism of the Battle in line with Sufi literary discourse, broadly conceived, this being one of the main particularities of the Chronicle.


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How to Cite

Kadrić, A., & Mašić, M. (2021). "Everything in the Universe Is Contained in the Soul": On Yaqub-Pasha Bosniak and Conflicts in the Area Between the Bosnian Sanjak and the Krbava-Modruš Parish During 1493 in Bahşi’s Versified Chronicle. Prilozi Za Orijentalnu Filologiju, 68(68), 123–165. Retrieved from https://pof.ois.unsa.ba/index.php/pof/article/view/911



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