Participation of Bosnian People in Turkish-Persian War, 1727
Sve do sada pojedini periodi proÅ¡losti Bosne i Hercegovine nisu u dovoljnoj mjeri izuÄeni. NaroÄito se to odnosi na vrijeme osmanske uprave, kao Å¡to je npr. period izmedu 1718. i 1736. godine. U tom vremenu je bilo viÅ¡e interesantnih dogaÄ‘aja koji su imali dalekosežne posljedice. Medu takvim zbivanjima je i uÄešće Bosanaca u tursko-persijskom ratu 1727. godine.
Poslije zakljuÄivanja mirovnog ugovora u Požarevcu 21. jula 1718. godine izmedu Porte s jedne, te Austrije i MletaÄke Republike s druge strane, za stanovniÅ¡tvo evropskog dijela Osmanskog Carstva nastupio je relativno dugi period mira. Medutim, sudbina velesila toga vremena, kako je bilo Osmansko Carstvo, nametala je potrebu stalnih ratovanja sa nekim od susjednih zemalja.  Splet unutraÅ¡njih i spoljno-politiÄkih okolnosti doveo je 29. juna 1724. godine do izbijanja tursko-persijskog rata. U narednom periodu je osmanska vojska na bojnom polju imala viÅ¡e uspjeha. No, usred Äestih i nemilosrdnih borbi izginuo je znatan broj ljudi na obje strane. Zbog toga je poÄetkom 1727. godine iz Carigrada u Bosanski ejalet stiglo nareÄ‘enje da se za novac prikupi 4.000 nefera kojima će komandovati najsposobniji oficiri ove provincije. Dobiveno nareÄ‘enje je i pored manjih nesuglasica na vrijeme izvrÅ¡eno. Na glavno tursko-persijsko ratiÅ¡te kod Hamadana i Isfahana doÅ¡lo je 5.200 vojnika iz Bosanskog ejaleta kojima su zapovjedali hercegovaÄki i kliÅ¡ki sandžakbezi Ahmed paÅ¡a i sin mu Rustem beg RustempaÅ¡ić.
U narednim mjesecima ovi vojnici i njihovi oficiri pokazali su zadivljujuću hrabrost i umjeÅ¡nost ratovanja. To ih je koÅ¡talo velikih gubitaka u ljudstvu. Povratak u Bosnu u aprilu 1728. godine doÄekao je tek svaki deseti. Ukupno su imali oko 4.700 ljudskih žrtava. Zbog steÄenih vojnih zasluga Ahmed paÅ¡a RustempaÅ¡ić imenovan je od strane Porte vezirom i namjesnikom Bosanskog ejaleta, a sin mu Rustem beg, hercegovaÄkim sandžakbegom.
UÄešće Bosanaca u tursko-persijskom ratu imalo je dalekosežne posljedice u budućim dogaÄ‘ajima. NaroÄito je to doÅ¡lo do izražaja u austrijsko-turskom ratu 1736-1739. godine. U tome ratu, koji se na tlu Bosne i Hercegovine vodio od 1737. do 1739. godine, uspjeÅ¡no je njene granice branio tadaÅ¡nji namjesnik vezir Hekim oglu Ali paÅ¡a. Ovaj cijenjeni vojskovoÄ‘a je i sam bio jedan od poznatijih i uspjeÅ¡nijih osmanskih komandanata kod Hamadana i Isfahana gdje je i upoznao vojniÄku sposobnost i hrabrost Bosanaca. Zato je u ratu za odbranu Bosanskog ejaleta i rnogao donositi riziÄne poteze koji su na prvi pogled izgledali i nelogiÄni. MeÄ‘utim, kasniji dogaÄ‘aji su pokazali da su se vezirove odluke zasnivale na vrlo prorniÅ¡ljenirn osnovarna koje je Hekirn oglu Ali paÅ¡a stekao o ljudima Bosne i Hercegovine joÅ¡ u tursko-persijskorn ratu 1727. godine.
Participation of Bosnian people in Turkish-Persian War, 1727
Some periods from the past of Bosnia and Herzegovina have not been studied precisely enough up to now. lt relates especially to the period of Ottoman rule, as for example period between 1718 and 1736. This period is known for more interesting events with far-reaching consequences. Among these events is the participation of Bosnian people in Turkish-Persian War in the year 1727.
After the conclusion of the Peace Treaty in Požarevac on the 21st of July 1718, between Turkish Porte from one side and Austria and Venetia from the other side, it began relatively long period of peace for the people in the European part of the Ottoman Empire. However, the destiny of the major powers of that period, as it was Ottoman Empire, forced them on permanent wars with some of the neighboring countries. Turkish-Persian War broke out in June 29th, 1724 as a consequence of the complicated interior and foreign-relations circumstances. In the following period Ottoman army had more success at the battlefield. But because of the frequent and rnerciless fights both sides suffered a great losses. Therefore, at the beginning of the 1727 the order was sent from Istanbul to the Eyalet of Bosnia that, for the money, 4.000 nefers (soldiers) ought to be rnobilized under the command of the most prominent officers of that province. The order was carried out on time inspite of some smaller rnisunderstandings. At the main Turkish-Persian battlefield near Isfahan and Harnadan arrived 5.200 soldiers from the Eyalet of Bosnia, under the command of the Sanjakbeys of Herzegovina and Klis: Ahmed Pasha and his son Rustem Bey Rustempašić.
During the following months these soldiers and their officers demonstrated the arnazing courage and skill in fight. But it cost them a great losses. Only each the tenth of them Iived to see their return to Bosnia, in April 1728. In whole, they had 4.700 of the dead. On the account of the military merits Ahmed Pasha Rustempašić was appointed by the Porte the Vizier and Regent of Bosnian Eyalet and his son Rustem was appointed the Sanjakbey of Herzegovina.
The participation of Bosnian poeple in Turkish-Persian War had the far-reaching consequences on the furter events. It especially was expressed in Austrian-Turkish War, from 1736-1739. During that war, which lasted in Bosnia from 1737 to 1739, Bosnian borders were successfully defended by Regent Vizier Hekim oglu Ali Pasha. This respected military leader had been one of the well known and successful Ottoman commanders in the battles near Isfahan and Hamadan where he had become acquainted with the military capability and the courage of the Bosnian soldiers. That is the reson why, during the War for the defense of Bosnian borders, he dared to make such risky moves which at the first sight seemed to be illogical. However, later events prooved that Vizier's decisions had been based on the very thought-out reason, the impression that Hekim-oglu Ali Pasha had got about the people from Bosnia and Herzegovina during Turkish-Persian War, in 1727.