Čifči Pirnama
Studying the documents contained in the Gazi Husrev-bey’s Library, the author has found Čifči Pirnama, written in 1235, i.e. 1819. Pirnama, as a document is some sort of a vvritten statute of a craft-guild organization. So far such a document has never been found in this country, neither it has been recorded in the legal (sheriat) protocol books - sijils, even though the Pirnama contains clear note that it was made with the approval of sheriat court. The Pirnama in question is most probably related to Tešanj region (shown. by numerous remarks vvritten on the back of the document), that had Tešanj has 19 registered tabaks (leather-workers) in early 17th century. Since 16th century, tabaks were organized in numerous craft-guild organizations, and they probably had a great input in creation of craft-guild organization of čifčis (landless laborers) The Pirnama is signed by patron Pir Ahi Baba Evren Ibn Abbas Ekber, famous character, who, according to the quotation from Futuvvetnama by Muhammed Abu Bakr, transcribed by Ahmed b. Bajezid, in 1001/1592, runs a chain of tabaks and food-producer shops. Es-Sejjid'Seih Omer, representative of the Kiršehir teki, and representative of Ahi Baba Evren, had visited tabak trades in Ottoman Empire regularly. As tabak is a trade that is ran together with other corresponding activity, it was ran together with food production. According to the mentioned futuvvetnama, Hazreti Alija put on a belt to Ahi Baba Evren as the twelfth person and Pir of tabaks and food producers. Undersigned representative of Ahi Evren hand- overed the Pirnama to the capetain-bey čifčibasha, whose ancestrors were čifčibashas, with the obligation to explain the sense and meaning of pirnama to ali the čifčis.