A Comparative Analysis of the Colloquialisms in Dictionaries


  • Dragana Kujović Sarajevo


The concept of "fasaha" is not clearly determinated and therefore standardized variants of written Arabic language are not recorded on the basis of unquestionable principles. These principles vary from dictionary to dictionary and are either puristic and normative or aim at faithful record of language as attested by usage. The result is seen in different presentation of colloquialisms and also in impossibility of correct delimitation of possible contact between "amiya" and "fusha". Nevertheless, it is clear that it is difficult to find respectable basis for serious discussion dealing with standardized vocabulary of modern written Arabic, without general reexamination and covering colloquialisms and dialect expressions, that have gained currency in written form, by norms truly based on language reality of Arab world and present-day Arabic.


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How to Cite

Kujović, D. (2017). A Comparative Analysis of the Colloquialisms in Dictionaries. Prilozi Za Orijentalnu Filologiju, 40(40), 19–24. Retrieved from https://pof.ois.unsa.ba/index.php/pof/article/view/378



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