Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju <p><strong>"Contributions to Oriental Philology" (POF)</strong> is a scientific journal that publishes papers in the field of Ottoman studies, Oriental philology, Oriental-Islamic literature and art.</p> Univerziteta u Sarajevu - Orijenatlni institut, Sarajevo en-US Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju 0555-1153 Hasan Kaleši – povodom 100 godina od rođenja (1922-1976) <p>U socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji decenijama su djelovala dva odsjeka za orijentalistiku: jedan u Beogradu (osnovan 1925) i drugi u Sarajevu (osnovan 1950). Ta dva odsjeka imali su relativno različite odnose prema onome što je Edward Said nazvao orijentalismom – dakle prema ideologiji evrocentrizma koji se odnosio prema Orijentu (muslimanskom svijetu na Orijentu) kao prema intelektualno i moralno inferiornom „predmetu“ svojih izučavanja. Beogradska orijentalistika je u tome bila epigon evropske orijentalistike. Manje evrocentrički usmjerena bila je orijentalistika u Sarajevu, a za Orijentalni institut u Sarajevu ne bi se moglo reći da je bio „kontaminiran“ ideologijom evrocentrizma. Akademik Hasan Kaleši je osnovao treći odsjek za orijentalistiku u Prištini (1973), dajući mu posebnu profilaciju i naučničku orijentaciju. Ovaj polihistor i poliglot, filolog u najpozitivnijem značenju klasičnog njemačkog pojma filologija, dao je izuzetan doprinos naučničkom a ne ideološkom orijentiranju „jugoslovenske orijentalistike“. Njegov impresivan opus (a preminuo je u naponu intelektualne snage, naučnoistraživačkog iskustva i entuzijazma) može biti zasebno istraživan imanentnim metodama i u različitim aspektima, ali ga ovdje predstavljam kao orijentalistu bez ideoloških predrasuda i usmjerenja, s punom sviješću da orijentalistika izučava elemente orijentalno-islamske baštine nekih jugoslovenskih naroda, te da je, kao takva, unekoliko i nacionalna disciplina.</p> Esad Duraković Copyright (c) 2024 Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 73 226 234 Türkolog Milan Adamović’in Türkçe tasnifi <p>Türkolog Milan Adamović, 1985 yılında yayımlanmış olan Konjugationsgeschichte der Türkischen Sprache (=Türk Dilinin Fiil Çekim Tarihi) adlı doçentlik çalışmasında Anadolu’da Türkçe ilk eserlerden itibaren günümüze kadar süregelen Türkçeyi dil özellikleri esasında beş döneme ayırarak tasnif etmiştir. Eski Anadolu Türkçesi olarak adlandırdığımız ilk iki dönem halk dili, konuşma dili ve yazı dilinin birbirine en yakın olduğu devirdir. Üçüncü dönem, Osmanlı Beyliği’nin güçlendiği ve halk dilinin baskın olmaya başladığı dönemdir. İzleyen dönemlerde dilin merkezi olan İstanbul’da Türkçe önce Balkan diyalekti etkisinde kurulup zamanla Anadolu’dan gelenlerin artmasıyla değişime uğramaya başlamıştır. 19. yüzyılın sonundan itibaren yazı dilinde değişiklikler artmıştır. Dilin gelişimi açısından bütün dönemler önemli olmakla birlikte makalede özellikle Eski Anadolu Türkçesi olan birinci ve ikinci dönem ayrıntılı olarak irdelenmiştir.</p> Aziz Merhan Copyright (c) 2024 Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 73 235 243 Reviews <p>Mehmed Kico, Amrudin Hajrić, Uvod u orijentalnu filologiju - Vedad Hurić</p> <p>Dragana M. Đorđević, Uvod u klasičnu arapsku leksikografiju (VIII-XVIII vek) - Dželila Babović</p> <p>Berin Bajrić, Orijentalno-islamsko naslijeđe u djelu Muḥāḍara al-ʼawāʼil wa musāmara al-ʼawāḫir Ali-dede Bošnjaka - Dželila Babović</p> <p>Esad Duraković, Muhammed Mufaku, Antologija poezije Arapskog Istoka XX vijeka - Berin Bajrić</p> <p>Dünyada Turkoloji I-III - Hamza Kurtanović</p> <p>Mustafa İsen, Tuba Durmuş, Balkanlarda Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi - Madžida Mašić</p> <p>Munir Drkić, Ahmed Zildžić, Carstvo teksta: Tuḥfe-i Šāhidī i njegova upotreba u osmanskoj Bosni - Đenita Haverić</p> <p>Aida Mujezin Čolo, Čajniče i okolina, 15. i 16. stoljeće - Emina Mostić</p> <p>Adnan Kadrić, Alma Omanović-Veladžić, Bužim u osmanskim dokumentima - Emina Mostić</p> <p>Adis Zilić, Faruk Taslidža, Sedad Bešlija, Haris Dervišević, Ahmet Kurt, Sinan-paša Borovinić: društveni status, porijeklo, politički uspon, početak urbanizacije Mostara - Amir Džinić</p> <p>Katalog arapskih, turskih, perzijskih i bosanskih rukopisa Historijskog arhiva Sarajevo, svezak četvrti IV - Elma Dervišbegović</p> <p>Medicina bez granica: zdravlje i liječenje u osmanskoj Bosni – Zbornik radova - Madžida Mašić</p> POF Grupa autora Copyright (c) 2024 Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 73 245 277 Polysemy in Verbs Derived From Loanword Bases in Western Turkic Languages <p>This paper will present 137 polysemic verbs derived from loanword bases (nouns and adjectives) in Western Turkic languages, focusing on their use in Türkiye Turkish. As such, Türkiye Turkish will serve as the base language while Azerbaijan Turkish, Turkmen Turkish, and Gagauz Turkish equivalents will be used to make comparisons and draw certain conclusions. Since the noun stems from which the verbs are derived are not etymologically Turk- ish, it is impossible to track their historical phases giving the frames of this paper. The main sources or reference for Türkiye Turkish are Türkçe Sözlük and Kubbealtı Sözlüğü. Most of the corpus this research is based on consists of verbs formed by the suffix +lA- (132). The following suffixes also appear: +Al- (2), +A- (1), +Ar- (1), and +sA- (1). By creating a corpus with an over- view of elements from the four Western Turkic languages, it will be possible to draw valuable conclusions about semantic changes of polysemic verbs derived from loanword stems (from nouns and adjectives that in Türkiye Turkish have the status of loanwords).</p> Sanja Virovec Copyright (c) 2024 Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 73 7 31 10.48116/issn.2303-8568.2023.73.7 The Legacy of Fatima Dudija Hatun, Sarajevo Benefactor <p>In this paper based on the available Ottoman archival sources and accessible secondary literature, an attempt is made to reconstruct the life of a Sarajevo benefactor from the end of the 18th and the first half of the 19th century, who bequeathed part of her property for religious and educational purposes.</p> <p>Based on the inventory of the property remained after her death, we tried to get a closer picture of the private life of a woman benefactor, then to provide information about the way and style of her life, then on the type of household furniture, textile furniture, kitchen utensils, decorative objects and other things that adorned and filled the interior of her home. Likewise, we analyzed the jewelry she owned, the style of her daily clothing, the type and quality of the materials of the clothing, and information about the rest of her movable and immovable properties. The person in case was named Fatima Dudija hatun, daughter of Pehlivan Husejn-aga, from Sarajevo, resident of Careva Mahala.</p> Alma Omanović-Veladžić Copyright (c) 2024 Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 73 161 186 10.48116/issn.2303-8568.2023.73.161 The Employment in the Mines of Skopje In the 15th and 16th Centuries (Kadi, Emin, Nazir and Kâtips) <p>German Saxon miners played an active role in the exploitation of the rich mineral deposits in Bosnia and Serbia throughout the Middle Ages and in the enrichment of the region. After the conquest of Istanbul, during the reign of Mehmed the Conqueror, these rich mineral deposits were gradually captured and incorporated into the Ottoman borders. As a matter of fact, the Ottoman bureaucracy made great efforts to ensure the continuous operation of these mining areas through the nazirs as well as the kâdi and the emin. Accordingly, the mines in what is today the majority of Macedonia, western Bulgaria, Ko- sovo and the southern parts of Serbia were transformed into a mukataa under the name of the Nezaret of Skopje to be administered from a single source. The silver and gold from these mines were converted into coins at the mints of Novo Brdo, Skopje and Kratovo, located close to the region. Although previous studies have provided information about the people involved in the exploitation of a mine, these are generally evaluated in the context of law codes. In particular, the information on katips is limited, and there is no de- tailed information on how many people served in a mine, what the process was for their appointment and dismissal, how much they were paid, whether there were wage differences between mines, and whether the wage balance varied from mine to mine. This study focuses on the work and remuneration of the scribes (maden, chashni, potok, tsarh, rosht, kalhane and sarraf), especially the kâdis who took part in the supervision phase of the mines and the scribes who recorded every stage of the mines, as well as the scribes who took office with the preference of the refugee and the salaries they received in return for their work. In addition, the nazirs, who assumed an important role in the control of the mukataas, and the military officers who assisted them in fulfilling this task were evaluated. In particular, the literature provides enlightening information about the katips who worked in the mining areas, the jobs they performed, the issues that were taken into consideration in their appointment and dismissal, and the salaries they received while performing these jobs.</p> Eyüp Kul Zeynep Yilmaz Copyright (c) 2024 Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 73 32 67 10.48116/issn.2303-8568.2023.73.32 Tithe, One-Fifth, One-Third, One-Half: Preliminary Notes On The Wider Scope of Agrarian Relations in Ottoman Bosnia in the Classic Period <p>Thus far, in dealing with the issue of agrarian relations in 16th-century Otto- man Bosnia the focus has been on the miri land regime, that is, on the state ownership, with a concession made for a different type like the vakıf or mülk land. Some attention was occasionally paid to phenomena such as land lease in the early phase, lump-sum paying, and gradual spread of çiftliks as an occurrence that was running against the classic regime and the like. Thereby a simple fact was overlooked, i.e., the “silent”, but necessary presence of a kind of relationship that must have coexisted with the miri regime without contradicting it. This was the very important fact rooted in the question of the volume of agrarian output, mainly the grain. From village to village the grain to people ratio was uneven: sometimes there was enough per capita, but often it was much above or much below the needs of the community as expressed by the social minimum. Here opens the possibility of taking the “surplus” in the shape of a rate higher than the tithe (or one eight) on the basis of private agreement, outside the scope of the Sacred Law. In order to present this matter in broader outline a comparison was necessary with other parts of the Empire (East Central Anatolia, Southern Syria and Palestine) where rates up to one half of the produce were in vigor according to local regulations with religious approval. The apparently diametrically opposite to each other, the two ap- proaches had still much in common “here” and “there”.</p> Nenad Moačanin Copyright (c) 2024 Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 73 68 94 10.48116/issn.2303-8568.2023.73.68 The Supreme Kadis (Mollas) of Bosnia in the Second Half of the 17th Century <p>The highest representative of the judicial authority and one of the most im- portant levers in the administrative apparatus of the Ottoman Empire in one province (eyalet) was the molla. He was granted extensive powers and the ability to control other officials of the Ottoman authority. Considering the role and importance of those high-ranking Ottoman officials, the paper aims to present the individuals who were appointed to the Eyalet of Bosna as well as the dynamics of changes in these positions in the second half of the 17th century. In cases where it was possible, insight was given into their education and experience, as well as some interesting facts from their lives. In order to achieve this, the contents of various individual and collective documents were analyzed. The presented data contribute to a better understanding of Ottoman judicial practice and the specific activities of judges in Bosnia in the 17th century.</p> Muamer Hodžić Copyright (c) 2024 Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 73 95 120 10.48116/issn.2303-8568.2023.73.95 Portrait of Ottoman Statesman Hekimoglu Ali Pasha (1689-1758): Life, Career and Personality <p>The article reconstructs unknown facts about life and administrative achieve- ments of Ottoman statesman Hekimoglu Ali Pasha who held the office of Grand Vizier three times and was famous for the victory at the battle of Banja Luka in 1737. Ali Pasha’s life also provides an insight into the trends of Ottoman administrative politics, which in his case deviated from the trends of the postclassical era of the Ottoman Empire. Also, Pasha’s merits in the cultural, architectural, intellectual and technological transformation of the Empire indicated a change that would be fully realized only a century later. Parallel to the downward trajectory of his career, one can observe the gradual change in his character which can be reconstructed through the archival correspondence with the Republic of Dubrovnik. The transformation of his character can be also seen through the prism of his political maturation in the period from the first to the last appointment in Bosnian eyalet (1736-1748).</p> Ruža Radoš Ćurić Copyright (c) 2024 Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 73 121 160 10.48116/issn.2303-8568.2023.73.121 Kanunnama About Devshirma From the Time of Bayezid II (1481-1512) <p>As a contribution to the study of devshirma, the paper presents the Kanunnama on the recruitment of janissary youths, which dates from the reign of Sultan Bayezid II (1481-1512). In the introduction, the term devshirma itself is explained and basic information about its origin and implementation is presented. Also, the introductory part includes a short overview of the scientific literature that deals with the process of recruiting young men into the janissaries. The following chapter presents the mentioned kanunnama, basic information about its manuscript copies and historical significance. The most important segment of this work is the integral translation of the Kanunnama on the recruitment of janissary youth, which represents the basis of the functioning of the acemi ocak. The aforementioned kanunnama was compiled into eight legal articles that had to be strictly observed when recruiting young men into the janissaries.</p> Emrah Seljaci Copyright (c) 2024 Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 73 187 200 10.48116/issn.2303-8568.2023.187 On the Origin of the Settlement Dizdaruša Near Brčko <p>Dizdarević, Dazdarević, and Dizdarlija are among the surnames that are common in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These surnames are derived from the Persian noun „dizdar“ (dizdār), which referred to the commander of a fortress during the Ottoman rule. As well as surnames, this term also generates the names of settlements as Dazdarlije, Dizdarev Potok, and Dizdaruša, specifically from the role of dizdar. This essay aims to elucidate the history of the Dizdaruša settlement, which is located close to Brčko. A certain Ali (Alija), who was an officer in the household troops of the Grand Vizier Lala Sokollu Mehmed Pasha, was the first to deliver news of the capture of the Esztergom fortress by Ottoman troops in 1605 to the Sublime Porte in Istanbul. As a reward for this, he obtained a lifetime position as the commander of the Ottoman castle of Brčko. According to the report, this appointment might have been a pivotal moment in the development of the Dizdaruša village near Brčko.</p> Nedim Zahirović Copyright (c) 2024 Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 73 201 211 10.48116/issn.2303-8568.2023.73.201 On the Timar System and Military Salaries Through Ottoman Documents of the Archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina From the 17th to the First Years of the 19th Century <p>In this paper, we write about the oldest Ottoman documents (berats, firmans, buyuruldis and tezkiras) from the Collection of Gifts and Redemptions of the Archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which talk about the allocation of land holdings (timars) and appointments to military duties. Along with the presentation and analysis of the amount of military salaries and income over the centuries, we tried to approximate the value of land holdings and military salaries in this period.</p> Fuad Ohranović Copyright (c) 2024 Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 73 212 224 10.48116/issn.2303-8568.2023.212