Matrakçi Nasuh in the Field of Ottoman Miniature Painting
"Matrakçi Nasuh in the Field of Ottoman Miniature Painting" is a shorter study about the achievements of Turkish-Ottoman painting in the field of miniature. The study begins with a short review considering the origin of miniature painting and the basic influences on the development of this kind of the painting. The analysis of Nasuh's miniature works points out the miniatures which represent Yugoslav cities and regions in the middle of the 16th century. In order to complete the study we gave the characteristics of the miniatures representing cities and places in the Near East, and also cities and ports in the Mediterranean, without detailed analysis.
The study is illustrated with four photos of the miniatures which are accurately described in the text itself, and originally are the illustrations of Suleyman-nama (1542-1543), TSMK, Hazine 1608.