Ottoman Drniš

Census Defters, Narrative Sources and Archaeological Artefacts as Sources of (Re) Interpretation Ottoman History in Today Dalmatia


  • Kornelija Jurin Starčević Zagreb


Ottoman Empire, 16th and 17th Centuries, tax records, records of paid soldiers in the fortress of Drniš (records of mustahfizes), autograph of Evliya Chelebi


U drugoj polovici 16. i u prvoj polovici 17. stoljeća DrniÅ¡ je bio važan osmanski grad na granici s MletaÄkom Republikom u KliÅ¡kom sandžaku, u nahiji Petrovo polje. Nastao je na trgovaÄkom putu koji je povezivao zapadne dijelove Bosanskog ejaleta preko Knina sa Å¡ibenskom lukom na jadranskoj obali. U radu se istražuje urbani razvoj DrniÅ¡a na temelju informacija iz osmanske arhivske graÄ‘e (detaljnih i sumarnih poreznih popisa, popisa mustahfiza u utvrdama i njihovih timara, dokumenta iz zbirke Mühimme defterleri), autografa Evlije ÄŒelebije i postojeće historiografske literature. 


Ottoman Drniš: census defters, narrative sources and archaeological artefacts as sources of (re) interpretation Ottoman history in today Dalmatia

In the second half of the 16th and in the first half of the 17th century Drniš was an important Ottoman town on the border with the Venetian Republic in the sancak of Klis, in nahiye Petrovo polje. It was founded on the trade route that linked the western parts of the Bosnian eyâlet via Knin to the Šibenik port on the Adriatic coast. The paper explores the urban development of Drniš based on information from the Ottoman archival materials (detailed and summary tax records, the records of mustahfizes in the Drniš fortress including their timars, documents from the collection Mühimme defterleri), Evliya Chelebi’s autograph and existing historiographical literature.


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How to Cite

Jurin Starčević, K. (2017). Ottoman Drniš: Census Defters, Narrative Sources and Archaeological Artefacts as Sources of (Re) Interpretation Ottoman History in Today Dalmatia. Prilozi Za Orijentalnu Filologiju, 64(64), 217–238. Retrieved from



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